Organic September

September is one of our favourite months as it is all things Organic 😊 Organic September is a long-month campaign by Soil Association to help educate people about organic food, farming practises and the beauty industry! In this blog we are looking at organic and what is involved in the beauty industry.


What does organic really mean when it comes to beauty products?

An organic beauty product has ingredients in that have been grown using organic farming methods. Organic farming does not allow the use of synthetics fertilisers, genetically modified (GM) ingredients and herbicides.

A key reason to choose organic is that organic farming is better for the environment, uses nature responsibly, protects wildlife and the ingredients are sourced sustainably. Organic also means zero animal testing, something we are very passion about. Organic ingredients also have fewer toxins which is incredibly important as our skin absorbs 60% of what we put on it. Finally choosing an organic beauty products means no synthetic colours, dyes and fragrances and those companies are highly likely to have minimise packaging with maximum recycled content. As you can see there are a lot of benefits from choosing organic!

How can I buy Organic Beauty products that are regulated?

Certified organic cosmetics meet strict standards which guarantee that organic ingredients are used where possible, and that those ingredients which cannot be organic are made using green chemistry principles, which means no toxins and no nasties.

Organic beauty is still not regulated by law, meaning any brand may label their product as β€œorganic” even if there is a tiny amount of organic herbs and ingredients inside.

To ensure you are buying a beauty product that has a high quality of organic content is it best to choose a product that carries the COSMO Soil Association logo. Soil are the largest organisation that regulates organic farming and their logo is easy to determine that product is organic! 😊

All products carrying the Soil Association logo must be 100% natural and at least 70% of (non-water) ingredients must be organically grown and harvested.

We are proud that all Herbfarmacy products are certified organic by the Soil Association.

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