Brand New Designs


We’ve been busy over the last eighteen months working on our new designs and our drive to be plastic-free.  You can read more about the plastic-free changes here but stay with us now as we explore the new designs.

Herbfarmacy is a great brand with great credentials.  However, we’re also a small brand – quite deliberately so – in a market that, over the last 5 to 10 years, has become saturated with new start-ups and expanding national and multi-national companies, all anxious to sell their latest ideas and concoctions.  In the face of this pressure, keeping true to our ethics and our way of life in order to retain our share and grow our customer appeal, we needed to stand out.  We needed to be the mouse that roared!

We already have products that stand up well to the competition.  But we recognised that we must have innovative but sustainable packaging, with designs that are practical, clear, appealing and informative.  Doing that would help customers buy the right products for their needs.


So what’s changed? 

Well, we’re doing away with the dark, heavy glass jars and bottles, replacing them with lighter, aluminium ones.  We’re also simplifying and stripping back the colour pallet, adopting fresh, clean ones that work well with the new aluminium pots and that reflect our ethical values.  Product categories are easily identifiable, helping you select the right ones for your needs: Yellow for face products; Blue for body products; Green for wellbeing products.

We’re also changing some of the names of our creams and balms and included a helpful sub text that outlines the type of skin it is suitable for, or how it will make your skin feel.  We didn’t take this decision lightly but it was important to make clear what each product was, what it was for and, often, what aroma it had. 

The great thing about this new packaging is that it’s all recyclable!

But what about the products; have they changed?  No, definitely not.  They are exactly the same.  Made the same way as always, filled, packed and labelled here on our Herefordshire farm.

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