Herbal Life

So, what is a herb?  This is a broad generalisation, but most herbs bear seeds, don’t have a woody stem and die down to the ground in winter.  However, so do many other plants that we don’t think of as herbs.  What makes plants ‘herbs’ is what they are used for, rather than what they are. Herbs are plants used either as a flavouring in food, for perfume or for medicine. 

Generally, medicinal and cosmetic herbs use all parts of the plant (flowers, leaves, stem and root) whereas food herbs use just the leaves or seeds.  But just to highlight some exceptions that prove the rule, we use Horse Chestnut seeds (conkers) and Ginkgo leaves as herbs in our products!  So, basically, herbs are plants with benefits!

Herbs have been used on the skin for hundreds of years: as children, we all grew up knowing that dock leaves reduced the irritation of stinging nettle rash.  At Herbfarmacy, we’ve taken that knowledge and millennia of traditional wisdom to develop products to help condition and improve skin health, relieve discomfort and reduce irritation.  And because they are natural, organic ingredients, our herbs are particularly effective for sensitive skin.

Below, you’ll find a short description of each of the herbs we grow and use in our award-winning range.  We also explain some of their properties and, hopefully, inspire you to love our herbs as much as we do!

Herbal Glossary

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This root is our signature herb and is one of our key ingredients. Being both nurturing and protective it soothes and moisturises the skin, giving it a luxuriously soft, silky feel.



A repair and renewal herb containing substances which promote cell growth and improve skin elasticity. 



This anti-inflammatory and healing herb is known as ‘nature’s antiseptic’. It is a fantastic healing conditioner for irritated or sensitive skin.



The anti-inflammatory and mildly astringent effects of this beautiful blue flower, make it a good sustainable alternative to eyebright for use around the eyes.



This common edible weed grows all over our fields, and is a specific for itchy skin. It also has softening and soothing substances ideal for sensitive skin. 



Also known as St John’s Wort the flowers of this herb make a fabulous blood red oil that calms aches and inflammation.


Horse Chestnut

An excellent toner for veins and capillaries that promotes circulation to the skin and is mildly astringent.


Dandelion and Burdock

This classic combination provides a great duo for internal cleansing, stimulating digestion and the elimination of toxins by supporting the liver and kidney function.



Rich in silica, Horsetail helps nails by strengthening weak and brittle areas prone to snapping, peeling or splitting.



With a delicate, enchanting fragrance this mildly astringent herb is well suited for closing the pores after cleansing away the dirt of the day.



A good anti-oxidant conditioner for mature skin. We use leaves from the tree at nearby Kinnersley Castle, one of the largest Ginkgo trees in the UK.



A soothing herb that also contains salicylates that can help relieve aching muscles and joints.


Mullein Flowers

An infused oil of these delicate flowers has a natural softening and anti-wrinkle effect on ageing skin.


Chamomile Flowers

A good cleansing and soothing herb that improves blood circulation in skin tissue and can reduce inflammation.    



Pansy has great cleansing and moisturising properties. Used as a body-soother, Pansy also offers anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits, making it suitable for every skin type, including acne and eczema-prone skin.



Hop Cone has a rich history of health benefits. Known commonly as the flavouring of beer, we use Hops due to its wellbeing benefits such as to calm anxiety and ease head-muscles tension.


Oregon Grape

Oregon Grape root extract has historically been applied to the skin to combat psoriasis. As an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal herb, it can help to ease itchy and inflamed skin.



Arnica's healing properties have been widely used as a solution for bruises, wounds and insect bites. Arnica also has strong anti-inflammatory properties to relieve tired, puffy eyes.